Create a New NDB

  1. The destination folder where the NDB data and log files will be stored, typically GMSDatabases, is not compressed.
    NOTE: For more information on the expanders, refer to the Notification Database Configuration topic.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Database Infrastructure > [SQL Server Name].
  2. Click Add and select Create Notification Database.
  3. The Add Notification DB screen displays.
  4. Open the Database Information expander and enter data into the following fields:
    • DB name: Enter the name of the new Notification database. The database name must be unique on the targeted SQL Server (do not use special characters).
    • Database size: Set the size of the NDB (maximum 10 GB for SQL Server Express).
    • Recovery model: Select the type of recovery either Full or Simple. The default value is Full. For more information, see Recovery Models.
    • SQL server: Displays the SQL Server address on which the new database will be created. Notification supports local as well as remote SQL servers.
    • T-log size: Represents the transaction log size.
  5. Select the Files and Paths expander and enter the following data:
    • Data file: C:\Gmsdatabases\NDB.mdf
    • Log file: C:\Gmsdatabases\NDB.ldf
    • Backup file: C:\Gmsdatabases\Backups\NDB.bak
    • Recovery log path: C:\Gmsdatabases\Backups\RecoveryLog
      If you do not use the standard paths in the Data file, Log file, Backup file, and Recovery log path fields and if the SQL Server is on a different computer, you must first create the folders before you click Save.
  6. Select the Security expander and check the displayed user names.
    a. DB owner: Enter the database owner details. The NDB owner must be different from the NDB user and the NDB service user.
    b. DB user: Displays the database user details.
    c. DB service user: Displays the database service user details.
  7. Click Save .
  8. Click Yes.
  1. The NDB is created and displays in the SMC tree.
  2. The NDB starts automatically.
  3. Notification data is logged after linking to the project.