Restore an HDB Backup

  1. SQL Server or SQL Server Express is available.
  2. A named instance is available on the SQL Server.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Database Infrastructure > [SQL Server Name].
    NOTE: Do not select an existing History Database.
  2. Click Restore and select Restore History Database from the displayed options.
  3. Select the Database Information expander and type a new DB Name (no special characters or spaces).
  4. Select the Files and Paths expander and type the following data:
    • Data file: D:\[MyProjectHDB]\HDB.mdf
    • Log file: E:\[MyProjectHDB]\HDB.ldf
    • Backup file: F:\[MyProjectHDB]\HDB.bak
    • Recovery log path: E:\[MyRevoveryPath]
    • Restore file: F:\[MyProjectHDB]\HDB.bak
  5. Select the Security expander and check the displayed user names.
    a. DB owner: Desigo CC SMC user who requires HDB owner rights. You can change it as required. The HDB owner must be different than the HDB user and the HDB service user.
    b. DB user: Desigo CC project user who requires HDB user rights for read and write operations. You can change it as required in System Account Settings. See Settings Expander in SMC System Settings.
    c. DB service user: Desigo CC service user who requires HDB service user rights for maintenance operations. You can change it as required in HDB Service Account Settings. See Settings Expander in SMC System Settings.
  6. Click Save .
  7. Click Yes to restore a backup file.
  1. The History Database is read back and displayed in the SMC tree. The HDB status is seen as outdated if the restored HDB needs an upgrade.
  2. The History Database is started automatically following successful restore.