Check the Prerequisites and Configuration

In order to successfully integrate SICLIMAT X into the system, before you start the exporter program, you must check some prerequisites and some settings in SICLIMAT X.


The current version of the system supports SICLIMAT X V4.1.

Check List

  1. Check that the latest building service pack is installed (SP101 Bausteine + Typicals).
  2. Check the configuration settings of the CPUs.
    NOTE: CPU names must be unique in the PCC configuration files ($SICX_CONFIG/ For example, AS01, AS02, and so on.
  3. Check EPT run.
  4. Check PG-Path.
  5. Check Hierarchy.

Installing the Service Pack

The exporter tool for the SICLIMAT X integration is delivered with the SP501: Export Tools for Desigo CC V3.0 Migration Service Pack.

Check that the Service Pack is installed.

After the installation, the executables are located in the system directories. The export can be executed with user sicx only.

Post-Processing the Exported Data

To avoid inconsistent behaviors, before starting with the management platform configuration, the exported schedules must be locked or deleted.