Start the Project

  1. Launch the System Management Console (SMC).
  2. The System Management Console window displays.
  3. In the SMC tree, select History Infrastructure.
    a. Click Add.
    b. Under Settings, enter the database name.
    c. Click Save .
  4. In the SMC tree, select Projects.
    a. Click Create Project . The Select Project Extensions dialog box displays.
    b. Select SICLIMAT X and any other required modules.
    c. Click OK.
  5. In the New project page, configure the following settings:
    a. Server Project Information: Enter the project name, select the languages and assign the database.
    b. User Credentials: Enter the passwords.
    c. Click Save .
  6. The new project is created as child under the Projects roots in the SMC tree.
  7. The new project is in Stopped state, and you must activate it as follows:
    a. Select the project.
    In the Project Settings toolbar, click Activate Project .
  8. Click Start Project .