Additional Trend Calculation Procedures

Modify a Trend Calculation Object

  1. Trend Logs are available.
  2. System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  3. The default View is set to Show Description.
  1. Select Applications > Advanced Reporting > Trend Calculations.
  2. Select a trend calculation object you want to modify, and thereafter click Trend Calculation tab.
  3. To modify description in the Main expander, enter a new name in the Description field.
  4. To modify the associated properties, in the List of Trends and Formulas expander, do one or more of the following:
    • To add a new Trend Object, select Applications > Trends > Offline Log Objects > [network name] > Hardware > [automation station] > [offline trendlog object].
      NOTE: You can also select either an offline trend log multiple object from Offline Log Objects folder or an online trend log object from Online Log Objects folder.
      Drag-and-drop the selected trend log object on the empty text box that displays below Trend Object
    • To replace an existing Trend Object, select another trend log object and thereafter drag-and-drop it to the text box that displays below Trend Object containing, an existing one.
    • To modify an existing Trended Object for each individual Trend Object, click the drop-down list that displays below Trended Object, and thereafter select the appropriate trended object.
      NOTE: You can also drag-and-drop the same offline trend log multiple object, multiple times in the Trend Object text box, so that different trended objects of the same offline trend log multiple object can be configured, in a single trend calculation object.
    • To modify an existing selection of Table, Graphics, and Right Axis for each individual Trend Object, select the corresponding checkbox that displays below Table, Graphics and Right Axis.
    • To modify an existing formula and the selection of Table, Graphics, and Right Axis, specify a new formula in the Formula field. Thereafter select the corresponding checkbox that displays below Table, Graphics and Right Axis.
  5. To modify the associated properties, in the Properties expander, do one or more of the following:
    • To modify an existing time interval for Time Aggregation, enter a value in the Time field, and thereafter select one of the time units: Minutes, Hours or Days from the drop-down list.
    • To modify an existing property of Display in Report, select the corresponding checkbox that displays next to Legend (List of trend and formula), Display graphics, Display table, and Display summary table.
    • To modify an existing property of Additional Display for Report and Export, select the corresponding checkbox that displays next to Average, Summation, Minimum, and Maximum.
  6. To delete a Trend Object, right-click on the text box that displays below Trend Object, and thereafter click Delete.
  7. Click Save or Save As .
  8. (Only for Save As) In the Save Object As dialog-box, select the main Trend Calculations folder or any subfolder under it. Enter a new name and description, and thereafter click OK.
  1. The modified properties are saved.
    To create, modify, view and delete trend calculation folders and objects, you must have application rights (Show and Configure) on Advanced Reporting Trend Calculation, and also have Create and Delete scope rights.


Create and Delete a Trend Calculation Folder

  1. System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  2. The default View is set to Show Description.
  1. Select Applications > Advanced Reporting > Trend Calculations.
  2. Select the Trend Calculation tab.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • To create a new trend calculation folder:
      a. Click New trend calculation folder .
      b. In the New object dialog box, enter a name and description.
      c. Click OK.
  4. The new trend calculation folder is saved. You can create additional sub-folders as needed.
    • To delete a trend calculation folder:
      a. Select the folder you want to delete.
      b. Click Delete , and thereafter click Yes to confirm.
  5. The trend calculations folder is deleted.
    NOTE: To create, modify, view and delete trend calculation folders and objects, you must have application rights (Show and Configure) on Advanced Reporting Trend Calculation, and also have Create and Delete scope rights.


View Trend Calculation Reports from Related Items

  1. System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  2. The default View is set to Show Description.
  1. Select Applications > Advanced Reporting > Trend Calculations.
  2. Select a trend calculation object, and thereafter click Trend Calculation tab.
  3. Navigate to the Related Items tab.
  4. Click Web Apps, and thereafter select either of the following reports:
    • Trend Calculation
    • Trend Calculation For XLS
  1. The report displays in the Secondary pane.
    NOTE: To create, modify, view and delete trend calculation folders and objects, you must have application rights (Show and Configure) on Advanced Reporting Trend Calculation, and also have Create and Delete scope rights.