Migrating SICLIMAT X Graphics to the Management Platform

  1. Select Project > System Settings > Conversion Tools > Siclimat Graphics Migration.
  2. Click the Graphics Migration tab.
  3. In the Networks drop-down list box, select a network.
  4. Click Browse.
  5. Select the folder containing the graphics you want to import. The folder must contain the data point and graphics folders. The graphics folder must contain the files you want to import. The data points folder must contain the data points XML file.
  6. Click OK.
  7. The graphics from the folder you selected are displayed.
  8. If the folder does not contain a graphics or a data points folder, or if the graphic files have a wrong schema, the analysis log is generated. Click Analysis Log to open the log.
  9. Select the graphics you want to import.
  10. Click the Start button.
  11. When the migration is completed, the migrated graphics are saved under Applications > Graphics. You can edit the migrated graphics in the Graphics Editor.
  12. (Optional) To see the status of the migrated files, such as how many files were migrated successfully or with errors, and errors generated per file, click Import Log. You can copy the text from the window and paste it into a text file.