In the AdditionalSW/KNX_ConfGeneratorTool folder of the software distribution available locally or on the installation DVD, double-click ToolKNX.exe.
The KNX Tool Converter displays.
Click Browse.
In the Browse for KNXProj file dialog box, locate and select the KNXProj file to convert, and click Open.
The name of the file to convert displays in the relevant field.
If the KNX project file is protected by password, enter the password, and click Decrypt.
If a relevant converter version is found, it displays underneath the name of the file to convert. Otherwise, you must select an appropriate compatible version from the drop-down list. NOTE: The available converters are contained in the Converters folder located in the same folder as the tool executable file.
A Merge configuration file check box is displayed if a previous version of the JSON configuration file is also available.
Select this option if you want to start from the previous import settings, using that as a basis for your further changes.
Deselect this option if you want to discard the previous import settings and start a new configuration from scratch.