Create a BACnet Schedule and Associate a Data Point to it

  1. System Manager is in Operating mode.
  1. Select the Manual Navigation check box.
  2. Select Applications > Schedules > BACnet Schedules.
  3. Click New and select New BACnet Schedule.
  4. Navigate to the Management View and select the field panel that contains the data point you want the schedule to control, drag the data point to the Outputs tab.
    NOTE: For this example, a binary output has been selected with two states (OCC, UNOCC) to represent lighting for a building when it is occupied or unoccupied.
  5. In the Setup tab, select the default value, the text group (making sure that the group matches labels with the expected values), the start and end dates, and the priority.
  6. The system adds the point to the schedule.
  7. Click Save .
  1. The BACnet schedule displays in System Browser.