Fully Meshed Distributed Systems on a Single Server (Segmented Configuration)

You want to set up a Fully Meshed Distributed System on a single server (Segmented Configuration). To do this, you must configure the projects in distribution on the same Server.


On a single server, you can set the projects in distribution even if their security configurations are different. That is, you can set up a stand–alone project in distribution with an unsecured project or an unsecured project in distribution with a secured project and so on.
You can set up the server communication as stand–alone, if you are accessing the Installed Client on the same server. However, if you have a remote FEP connected to the server, you must set the projects with server communication as secured in distribution.

On a single server, ensure the following before configuring projects in distribution:

Deployment Sequence Diagram

Perform the following tasks on the same Server using SMC.


To avoid having to restart the project, follow the suggested distribution configuration sequence.

  1. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [project].
  2. Click Edit .
  3. In the Server Project Information expander, enable the distribution for Project1 by selecting the Distribution participant check box.
  4. Click Save Project .
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Start Project .
    NOTE: If there is no active project in SMC, you must activate this first. Otherwise, you cannot start it.
  7. In the SMC tree, select Projects > [stopped project].
  8. Click Edit .
  9. In the Server Project Information expander, enable the distribution for Project2 by selecting the Distribution participant check box.
  10. In the Server Project Information expander, enter a unique Dist port number, other than default.
  11. Using the Distribution Participants expander, add the distribution partner project as Project1 either in Manual mode (by clicking New and then Extensions) or in Automatic Mode (by clicking Browse).
  12. Click Save Project .
  13. Click OK.
  14. Open the Distribution Participants expander.
  15. Click Sync to re-align the distribution partner project Project1 with details on the Originator project Project2, and to add an entry for the Originator project, Project2 in the Distribution Participant expander of the distribution partner project, Project1.
    NOTE: If the local path is used as the shared path, it is removed during sync. You must edit the project in the local path, and save both Project1 and Project2.
  16. (Optional) Click Yes to open and view the synchronization report.
  17. Click Start Project .
  18. Repeat steps 7 to 15 to set up the third project, Project3, in distribution using a unique Dist port. Then add the distribution participants as projects Project1 and Project2 in the Originator project, Project3.
  19. On sync, the profiles, and distribution connection on the Originator project (Project3), if changed, are re-aligned with the partner projects, in this case Project1 and Project2.
  20. In the Server Project Information expander, enable the Data master check box for Project3.
  21. Click Save Project .
  22. Click OK.
  23. Click Activate Project .
  24. Click Check Distribution Consistency and view the log.
  25. Click Start Project .
  26. Launch the Installed Client on the Originator System, System3 with Project3 as Data Master.
  27. With the System Manager in Engineering mode and the System Manager in the Management View, select Project 3 > System Settings > Security and do the following on the Originator System:
    a. Create the Global User.
    b. Create the Global User Group.
    c. Assign the Global user to the Global User group.
    d. Assign global Scopes rights and the Application rights.
    e. Enable the User.
  28. In the Summary bar, select Menu > Operator > Switchover and switch the operator from the current user to the Global User.
  1. You are now logged in with the Global User into the installed client of the Originator System with Project3 as Data Master. You can now work with it.
  2. Since, by default, the distribution Connection is bidirectional (Fully meshed Distribution configuration), you can also work with the all distribution Partner Systems, (System1 with Project1 and (System2 with Project2).
  3. You can also launch the Windows App client for System3 (with Project3) and work with Partner Systems in distribution, System1 with Project1) and System2 (with Project2).
  4. If you activate one of the Partner System, for example, System1 with Project1, and log onto the installed client on System1, you can work with the Local System (System1 with Project1), as well as all the Distribution Partner Systems, System2 and System 3.