Add the Distribution Partner Project Entry in the Running Project

  1. At least one project is available under the Projects root folder, it is started and you have enabled distribution for this project.
  2. The distribution participant project that you want to add is shared with the user logged onto the operating system of the Originator project on the Server.
  1. In the SMC tree, select the Projects node.
  2. In the Projects tree, select the project.
  3. In the Project Settings toolbar, Change Distribution Info is enabled.
  4. Click Change Distribution Info .
  5. In the Distribution Participants expander, Browse and Add buttons are enabled.
  6. Add the distribution participants using Manual mode (by clicking Add) or using Automatic mode (by clicking Browse).
  7. Click Save Project .
  8. A message displays asking you to restart the project.
  9. Click OK.
  10. To restart the project, do the following using the Project Settings toolbar icons:
    a. Click Stop Project .
    b. Click Start Project .