Example JSON File for Object Models with the Same Data Point Types Configuration as the CSV file


The following sample is to be intended as an example of file and not as a template. If you want to make a copy of it and create your own file to import, verify its content carefully and enter the data point types that you want to create. In particular, pay attention to the mandatory DPEs section.



    "DPTData": {

        "DPTS": [


                "Name": "*",

                "DPES": [

                    { "Name": "MyMandatoryFields", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "REF", "Ref": "_GmsMyMandatoryFields" } }




                "Name": "Test_NormalPoint",

                "DPES": [

                    { "Name": "Char_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "CHAR" } },

                    { "Name": "UInt_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "UINT" } },

                    { "Name": "Enum_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "UINT" } },

                    { "Name": "Int_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "INT" } },

                    { "Name": "Float_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "FLOAT" } },

                    { "Name": "Bool_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "BOOL" } },

                    { "Name": "Bit32_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "BIT" } },

                    { "Name": "Duration_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "UINT" } }




                "Name": "Test_PointWithRef",

                "DPES": [

                    { "Name": "String_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "STRING" } },

                    { "Name": "Time_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "TIME" } },

                    { "Name": "DpId_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "DPID" } },

                    { "Name": "LangString_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "LANGSTRING" } },

                    { "Name": "Blob_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "BLOB" } },

                    { "Name": "Reference_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "REF",

"Ref": "_Gms_TestReference" } }




                Name": "Test_PointWithStruct",

                "DPES": [


                        "Name": "Struct_Value",

                        "PvssType": {

                            "PvssType": "STRUCT",

                            "DPES": [

                                { "Name": "Int_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "INT" } },

                                { "Name": "String_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "STRING" } },


                                        "Name": "Struct_Internal",

                                        "PvssType": {

                                            "PvssType": "STRUCT",

                                            "DPES": [

                                                { "Name": "Float_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "FLOAT" } },

                                                { "Name": "Reference_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "REF",

Ref": "_Gms_TestReference" } }










                "Name": "Test_PointWithArray",

                "DPES": [

                    { "Name": "ArrChar_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "ARRAYCHAR" } },

                    { "Name": "ArrUInt_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "ARRAYUINT" } },

                    { "Name": "ArrInt_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "ARRAYINT" } },

                    { "Name": "ArrFloat_Value", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "ARRAYFLOAT" } }




                "Name": "Test_PointWithSet",

                "DPES": [


                        "Name": "SetChar_Value",

                        "PvssType": {

                            "PvssType": "SETCHAR",

                            "DPES": [

                                { "Name": "Char1", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "CHAR" } },

                                { "Name": "Char2", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "CHAR" } }





                        "Name": "SetUint_Value",

                        "PvssType": {

                            "PvssType": "SETUINT",

                            "DPES": [

                                { "Name": "UInt1", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "UINT" } },

                                { "Name": "UInt2", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "UINT" } },

                                { "Name": "UInt3", "PvssType": { "PvssType": "UINT" } }







