Move Result Filters to Search Filters

A search filter obtains the data matching your filter expression from the database, whereas a result filter filters the data matching the filter expression from the data displayed in the log view.

For example, assume you apply a result filter on the data displayed in the log view to retrieve all records with action as primary authentication.
The records with action as primary authentication display. However, there are more records with action as primary authentication in the database than what displays in the log view.
This is indicated by the following message Configured View Size reached! Refine search via Search Filter.
In this case, you must move your result filter to a search filter to obtain all the matching data from the database.

  1. You have applied a result filter on the data displayed in the log view.
  1. The result filter is moved to a search filter and the data matching the filter condition is retrieved from the database.
    NOTE: When you move a result filter on a column to a search filter, any existing search filter present on the same column is replaced.