Localize Energy Reports

The Energy reports display in English by default. If you want to view the reports in a different language, you must deploy the translation resources from the Libraries folder to the TomCat server. Perform the following steps to deploy the translation resources:

  1. System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Application View.
  2. Select Applications > Advanced Reporting.
  3. Select the Application Viewer tab and from the list, select Configuration page.
  4. The Configuration Page – Advanced Reporting displays.
  5. Next to Template Synchronization, click Details.
  6. Click Add Details.
  7. In the Parameter dialog box, do the following:
    a. In the Synchronization Source (URL or filepath) field, enter the location of the Exports folder within Libraries in the GMSMainProject folder.
    b. In the Target name field, enter the name of the folder in which the translation resources are to be stored on the TomCat server.
    c. In the Type of Source drop–down list, select Archives Only.
    d. Click OK.
  1. The translation resources are now deployed to the TomCat server.