Choose the Installation Mode

Before proceeding with the installation of any setup type (Server/Client/FEP), you must decide on one of the following installation modes in which the installation program can run.

Custom Installation

Custom installation is performed using the Installer Wizard. You can make choices such as accepting or declining the Microsoft SQL Server 2022 - Express Edition installation, specifying preferences such as the installation location, and so on. In case of any errors, the user can mitigate the errors. For instance, if the disk where Desigo CC is being installed is full, the installer may ask the user to specify another target path or clear enough space in the disk.

Use the custom installation to:

Semi-Automatic Installation

The semi-automatic installation provides you the mix of both installation modes – the custom installation and the silent installation.

As in silent installation, the semi-automatic installation uses the XML file (GMS Platform.xml) having the pre-configured parameters for installation.

As in custom installation mode, you must run the Setup.exe file and launch the Installer Wizard and select the sample XML file (GMS Platform.xml) available at the path …\InstallFiles\Instructions. Alternatively, you can create an XML file with all the required pre-configured settings for installation.

The Installer then performs the installation by skipping the corresponding dialog box according to the pre-configured parameters (for example, languages, extensions); thus reducing the interaction with the field engineer to the minimum.

The Installer Wizard, however, may also display, overriding the pre-configured parameters, to assist you in correcting the provided parameters. For example, if the installation drive specified in the default Installation Path does not have enough disk space, the Installer displays the Installation Folder dialog box; thus allowing you to correct the path, for example, by selecting a different drive on the disk.

You can use the semi-automatic installation to execute the post-installation steps of platform or an extension.


Upgrade of management station or an extension using silent or semi-automatic installation mode is not supported in the current version!


Silent Installation

Silent installation is an installation that is performed without user interaction or user presence during its progress.

A silent installation is especially useful when you want to install a setup type (for example, Server) on many computers at the same time. This is also useful when you want to duplicate the installation options such as the extensions or the Language Packs on many computers.

Silent installation allows you to set the installation configurations only once and then use those configurations to duplicate the installation on many computers. The installations to be done on multiple systems for example, for setting up the distributed systems can be performed using the silent installation, thus helping the field engineer to perform the unattended installation.

During silent installation, the Installer reads the settings from an XML file (GMS Platform.xml) that you created prior to beginning the installation. The Installer runs the setup silently with no GUI displayed and provides the installation status using the taskbar notification area icon.

Since the silent installation is unattended, it is assumed that there is no user to help mitigate errors. For instance, if the disk where the Desigo CC is being installed is full, or the installer fails the installation, no one is available to specify another target path or clear enough space in the disk.

You can use the silent installation to execute the post-installation steps of platform or an extension.


Though the silent installation performs the installation in the background and you can setup the computer to restart automatically before or after the installation of any prerequisite, you need to provide the Windows login details, after the computer restarts, so as to proceed with the silent installation.