Export the Key File on the Server

You have Client/FEP connected to the server computer. For securing the data of drivers and devices, you must import the same key file as on the server.

  1. On the server, the system key is available in the Windows store.
  2. The system account is configured.
  1. In the Security expander, select Export key.
  2. Type in the key file name, for example, Server1Key.
  3. Click Browse.
  4. In the Open dialog box, do the following:
    a. Locate and select the target directory path where the key file will be stored on the disk.
    b. Click Open.
  5. Type in the password and confirm. The password must match the Windows local password policy.
  6. Click Save System Settings.
  7. A confirmation message displays.
  8. Click OK.
  1. The system key is exported from the Windows store to the configured location on the disk.