Application Request Routing (ARR) not Visible in IIS Manager/Creation of Web Service Application Fails

Problem: Creation of Web Service application fails in SMC or ARR not visible in IIS Manager.

Cause: IIS URL Rewrite Module is not properly installed or bonded with ARR.

Solution: Perform the following steps to uninstall the ARR components in the same order and then manually reinstall ARR with its dependencies:

  1. Select Control Panel > Programs and Features > Uninstall a program.
  2. Uninstall the components given in the below order, if they are available in Uninstall or change a program window:
    a. Microsoft External Cache.
    b. IIS URL Rewrite Module 2.
    c. Microsoft Application Request Routing 3.0.
  3. Manually install the Application Request Routing. For more information, see Install Application Request Routing (ARR) in Additional Installer Procedures > Manually Install and Configure IIS on Different OS Types.