[Concept 6] Create and Configure Filter Group

You want to create a filter group and link it to a property to ensure that only those values that pass the filtering criteria are logged into HDB.

Create a Filter Group

  1. System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  2. System Browser is in Management View.
  3. You have created an HDB and you do not want all the COVs of a property to be logged into HDB.
  1. Select Project > Management System >Servers > Main Server > History Database > Filter Groups.
  2. Click New .
  3. In the Filter Configuration expander, enter values into the following fields:
    • Name
    • Description
    • Valid
    • Deadband type: Percentage or Absolute
    • Deadband value
  4. Click Save .
  1. The filter group configuration is saved and a new filter group is created.

Assign Data Points to the Filter Group

After creating a filter group, you must link the filter group to a property in the Object Configurator tab to enable the logging of COVs according to the filter group configured.

  1. Perform either of the following:
    • Select Project > Field Networks > [network] > Hardware > [device] > [data point]. The folder path may vary by view or subsystem.
  2. Click the Object Configurator tab.
  3. In the Properties expander, select the desired property, for example, Present Value.
  4. Select the VL (data values, see Log Data Values in Logging Data Values or Events) check box or/and the AL (events, see Log Events in Logging Data Values or Events) check box.
  5. Select the Archive group column.
  6. In the drop-down list, select the desired archive group.
  7. Click Save .
  8. Repeat steps 1 to 7 for all needed data points.