Create a Web Service Application for D3 Visualization

If you already have a web service interface created, you can skip this step.

  1. In the SMC tree, in the Websites folder, at least one website is available.
  1. In the SMC tree, select Websites > [website] where you want to create a web services application.
  2. Click Create Web Application , and select Create Web Services Application.
  3. The New Web Services web application page displays.
  4. Open the Project Information: Web Services Communication expander, and in the Project name field, select the project that has the D3 visualization extension module added.
  5. Open the Web Application Details expander, and do the following:
    a. In the Name field, enter a unique name.
    b. In the User field, browse for a web application user and select the desired user. By default, it displays the website user details. You can select a different user. However, the web services application user must be a member of the IIS_IUSRS Group. If the user is not a member, you are prompted to add the user to that group.
    c. In the Password field, enter the password of the web services application user.
    d. Confirm the web services application user and password. If the password has changed, you must modify the web application, and provide the most recent user password.
    e. In the Path field, accept the default path: [installation drive:]\[installation folder]\[websites]\[website name].
  6. Click Save .
  7. A confirmation message displays.
  8. Click OK.
  9. A new web services application is created.
  10. A Help URL displays in the Project Information: Web Services Communication section.
  11. A URL displays in the Web Application Details section.
  12. (Optional) Test the APIs provided by the Web Service Interface:
    • Click the Help URL link to launch Swagger in the browser.
  13. The Web Service Interface test page displays in the browser.
    • Enter your username and password with a colon in between, for example, DefaultAdmin:MyPassword.
    • To log in, click Explore.
    • Click the System Browser section, and then click the first GET button.
    • Enter the systemId of your project, and then click Try it out!.
  1. The Response Body contains the WSI response.