Configure the InfoCenter Port and Inbound Rules

  1. Launch the SQL Server Configuration Manager, and then navigate to SQL Server Network Configuration (32bit) > Protocols for MSSQLSERVER.
  2. In the right pane, make sure the TCP/IP option is Enabled, and then right-click the TCP/IP option, and from the context menu select Properties.
  3. In the TCP/IP Properties window do the following:
    a. In the Protocol tab, set Listen All to Yes.
    b. The IP Addresses tab displays the port numbers and IP address destinations. Configure the settings as needed.
  4. Navigate to your Control Panel Windows Firewall, and then click Advanced Settings
  5. The Windows Firewall with Advance Security displays.
  6. Click Inbound Rules.
  7. In the Actions pane, under Inbound Rules, click New Rule.
  8. The New Inbound Rule Wizard displays.
  9. Select Port, and then click Next.
  10. In the Protocol and Ports pane do the following:
    a. Select TCP.
    b. Select Specific local ports, and then type the port number for the InfoCenter database.
    c. Click Next.
  11. In the Action pane, choose the appropriate action that should be taken when there is a connection match, and then click Next.
  12. In the Profile pane, choose the options that apply for the Inbound/Outbound Rules, and then click Next.
  13. In the Name pane, type an appropriate Name and Description (Optional) for the rule, and then click Finish.
  1. The new rule is now listed in the Inbound Rules pane.