Create Conversion File

  1. In Excel, open the SX Open configuration file for the current project.
  2. In Excel, open file OPC_ ConfigurationData_Ver1_1.csv in folder [Installation Drive]:\[Installation Folder]\GMSMainProject\Profiles\OPCDataTemplate.
  3. Convert the information as per the following table:
    a. Proceed in the table line-by-line from top to bottom.
    b. First, perform the steps in the column From SX Open file.
    c. Perform the steps for the same line in the column To OPC file.
    d. Select the Configuration tab if no tab is indicated in the column From SX Open file.

Defining General Information

From SX Open file

To OPC file


  1. Delete supervisor (orange) lines 6 to 14.
  2. Delete the SERVER_STATE State lines.
  3. Delete each of the array lines 2 through x. Only an individual entry may exist on array data points.


Only Individual arrays are supported in Desigo CC.

Existing alarms in tab BSTR_Hash are not supported.

Desigo CC can map related OPC datapoint information (for example, Value, Limit High) onto a single BACnet datapoint.

  1. Select the OPC Server tab.
  2. Highlight cell 7B [OPC Server Name].
  3. Right-click and select Copy.
  1. Select section [SERVERS].
  2. Select column C [Prog ID].
  3. Right-click and select Paste.
  4. In column A [Name], enter a description (spaces not permitted).
  5. In the B [Description] column, enter a description, for example:

In the event a value is entered in the SX Open file, in column C [Computer Name], it must be prefixed by a forward slash (/) in the Prog ID, for example:

  1. Select the BACnet Device tab.
  2. Delete supervisor information (orange) lines 6 to x.
  3. Highlight as of line 8, column D [Description].
  4. Right-click and select Copy.
  1. Select section [GROUPS].
  2. Select column B [Name].
  3. Right-click and select Paste.
  4. In the column C [Description], enter a description for each entry.
  5. In column A [Parent Server Name], enter the same description as section [SERVERS], column A [Name].

The information in column B [Name] must match section [ITEMS], column A [Parent Group Name].

Creating Data Points

From SX Open file

To OPC file


  1. Select column L (Keyname).
  2. Highlight all data points.
  3. Right-click and select Copy.
  1. Select section [ITEMS].
  2. Select column B [Name].
  3. Right-click and select Paste.
  4. Replace all special characters not supported in Desigo CC with an underscore ( _).


Data points with a high or low limit must be unique. Supplement the information with a suffix _PrVal, _LoLim, and _HiLim to ensure uniqueness.

  1. Select column N (Description).
  2. Highlight all data points.
  3. Right-click and select Copy.
  1. Select section [ITEMS].
  2. Select column C (Description).
  3. Right-click and select Paste.
  4. Replace all special characters not supported in Desigo CC with an space.

Building1 CabinetQ1 MtrEg1 State


  1. Select column A [Item Name].
  2. Highlight all data points.
  3. Right-click and select Copy.
  1. Select section [ITEMS].
  2. Select column D [Item Name].
  3. Right-click and select Paste.


No steps.

  1. Select section [GROUPS].
  2. Select column B [Name].
  3. Highlight the entry and copy the information to the section [ITEMS], column A [Parent Group Name].

Enter the same description on all data points for the same device.

Configuring data points

From SX Open file

To OPC file


  1. Information from columns J (BACnet Object Type)+ P (Destination).
  1. Select section [ITEMS].
  2. Select column F [Direction].
  3. Enter information (I, O or IO) for each data point.

Define the input and output:

BACnet = I


Two way = IO

  1. Information from columns J (BACnet Object Type)+ C (OPC Data Type).
  1. Select section [ITEMS].
  2. Select column E [Data Type].
  3. Enter information for each data point.

Data type is based on the import rules for library Global_OPC_HQ_1.

  1. Select an analog data point.
  2. Information from column T (Min Present Value).
  1. Select section [ITEMS].
  2. Select column O [Min].
  3. Enter information for each analog data point.


  1. Select an analog data point.
  2. Information from column U (Max Present Value).
  1. Select section [ITEMS].
  2. Select column P [Max].
  3. Enter information for each analog data point.


  1. Select an analog data point.
  2. Information from column X (Resolution).
  1. Select section [ITEMS].
  2. Select column U [Resolution].
  3. Enter information for each analog data point, for example: 0.1.


Defining Units and Texts

From SX Open file

To OPC file


  1. Select an analog data point.
  2. Information from column S (BACnet Unit).
  1. Select section [ITEMS].
  2. Select column V [Eng Unit].
  3. Enter information for each analog data point, for example: 48.

You must enter a number as the unit, for example: 48 = kW.

  1. Select a binary data point.
  2. Information from columns AA (Polarity) + AB (Active Text) + AC (Inactive Text).
  1. Select section [ITEMS].
  2. Select column W [State Text].
  3. Enter the Path, for example: Heating$Cooling.

Enter only states that are not standard OPC texts. A separator must be added between the states.

  1. Select a multistate data point.
  2. Information from columns AG (No. Of States) + AH (State Text Ref).
  1. Select section [STATE_TEXTS].
  2. Select column A [Table Name].
  3. Enter the text group, for example, TxG_SXText10001.
    Number, index and texts are defined in the State tab.
  4. Select column B [Index].
  5. Enter the index number.
  6. Select column C [Text].
  7. Enter the associated index text.

Example Configuration tab:

Example State tab:

Example result:

The text groups must be manually created in the system.

Defining Alarm Response

From SX Open file

To OPC file


  1. Column AQ = 0.
  2. Information from column AK (High Limit).
    AK = 100
  3. Information from column AL (LowLimit).
    AL = -100
  1. Select section [ITEMS]
  2. Select column Z [Alarm Value].
  3. Enter information for the data point.
    Z = 100$-100

Multiple alarms must be separated by $.

For column X, the results are the following,

  1. Column AQ = 0.
  2. Multistate information from column AM (Alarm Value(s)).
    AM = 2,3,4
  3. Information from column An (Fault Value)).
    AM = 5,6
  1. Select section [ITEMS].
  2. Select column Z [Alarm Value].
  3. Enter information for the data point.
    Z = 2$3$4$5$6

For column X, the result would be

  1. Column AQ = 0.
  2. Information from column AO (Notification Class).
    AO = 31
  1. Select section [ITEMS].
  2. Select column X [Alarm Class].
  3. Enter information for the data point.
    X = HighPriorityAlarm$LowPriorityAlarm

The number of entries in the Alarm class (Syntax, see Notification Class) must match the number of entries in the column Alarm Value.

Alarm types:
Simple = Alarm_NoAckNoReset
Basic = Alarm_NoReset
Alarm = Alarm

  1. No steps.
  1. Select section [ITEMS].
  2. Select column Y [AlarmType] for example: GE$LE

The number of entries in the Alarm class and Normal Text) must match the number of entries in the column Alarm Value. Alarm type operators
GE = Value greater than
LE = Value less than
EQ = Value equal to

  1. Column AQ = 0.
  2. Information from column AP (Message Text), for example: No communication is available.
  1. Select section [ITEMS].
  2. Select column AA [Event Text], for example: No communication is available.
  3. Select column AB [Normal Text], for example: Communication is available.

The number of entries in the Alarm class and Normal Text) must match the number of entries in the column Alarm Value.

NOTE: SX Open could only support one text.

Creating Data Point Hierarchy

From SX Open file

To OPC file


  1. Select column L (Keyname).
  2. Highlight all data points.
  3. Right-click and select Copy.
  1. Select section [ITEMS].
  2. Select column AE [Logical Hierarchy].
  3. Right-click and select Paste.
  4. Select column AF [User Hierarchy].
  5. Right-click and select Paste.
  6. Replace all ' (apostrophes) with _ (underscore).


Hierarchies are only possible is the information in column L is structured hierarchically.