Configure the Polling Rate

You must perform the following procedure only if the OPC UA server in use does not support the subscription to points. It allows setting the polling rate for the OPC UA client to periodically read the points values.

  1. In the OPC UA Client Configuration section, click Server Settings.
  2. By default, subscription to points is selected.
  3. Under Monitoring Mode, select Polling.
  4. From the Poll rate, drop-down list, select the desired value.
    Default value is 10 seconds.

The first read of the values is not immediate, but it will happen when the configured polling rate expires, after saving the changes and discovering the adapter configuration.

Polling Limits

The amount of traffic the driver can process depends on the following:

Considering that the driver can support 30,000 objects, and there are 75 threads that can poll concurrently, the speed at which you can poll depends on how fast the adapter can pull values from your subsystem:

Thousands of points polling at 10 seconds is not recommended.