Create a PowerQuality Web Application

  1. You have added PowerQuality extension module to your project.
  2. You have created a website.
  1. Open SMC and navigate to created website.
  2. Click Create and select Create Powermanager PowerQuality Application.
  3. Navigate to Project Information: Powermanager PowerQuality Communication expander and select project name.
  4. Navigate to Web Application Details expander and enter Name for PowerQuality web application.
    NOTE: PowerQuality Web Application name should be unique. Duplicate name is not allowed.
  5. Click Save .
  6. PowerQuality web application is created.
  7. Navigate to created project.
  8. Navigate PowerQuality tab and PowerQuality details expander.
  9. Select PowerQuality web app for Linked PowerQuality Web App from drop down menu.
  10. Click Save .
  1. PowerQuality web application is linked to project.