PowerQuality Infrastructure Workspace

This section gives an overview of the PowerQuality infrastructure workspace.



PowerQuality Infrastructure Toolbar





Delete an existing PowerQuality Database.


Deletes the data from PowerQuality Database. This function typically is used once following project commissioning.


Save the data when:
– Creating a project
– Upgrading a project


Back up an PowerQuality Databse to an PowerQuality Database backup file.


Edit an existing PowerQuality Database.


Upgrade the PowerQuality Database to a new version.


Display the memory used by the individual data group.

Database Information

The Database Information expander displays information on both PowerQuality databases and the SQL Server.



DB status

Displays the status of the PowerQuality Database:
Current: The database is up to date.
Outdated: The database needs to be upgraded.

DB name

Name of the PowerQuality Database in the project. The following characters are not permitted: /, \, :, *, ?, “, <, >, |, #, @, [, ], {, }, $, !, &, %, +, -, &, (, ), ‘, ~, ;, ,, ., space.

Database size

Determines the size of the PowerQuality Database (1 to 250 GB). Default is 10 GB:
– Maximum 10 GB on SQL Server Express
– Maximum 250 GB on SQL Server Enterprise

Recovery model

Defines the recovery model used for the PowerQuality database (simple or full) (see Recovery Models). You can change the backup model at any time.

Creation date

Displays date and time when PowerQuality database was created.

SQL Server version

Displays the currently installed SQL Server version operating with the PowerQuality database.

Original SQL Server

Displays the service and NamedInstance name applied to the PowerQuality Database.


Displays the present version of the PowerQuality database.

SQL Server

Displays the name of the NamedInstance of the SQL Server containing the PowerQuality database.

T-Log size

Displays the size of the transaction log file. The transaction log file is always twice as large as the PowerQuality Database.
This size is required to ensure no loss of data during database reorganizations.
This allows for performant database reorganizations under load and limits the overall database size.

  1. Transaction log size – Used for generating transaction logs and back up file (*.trn file and *.bak file)
  2. When the transaction log reaches 50% then, automatically backup and Cleanup Transactionlog will trigger and .trn file and .bak file will be generated. These details can be seen in Task Info Expander.

Last restore date/time

Displays the date and time of the last restore of the PowerQuality Database.

Created by

Displays who created the PowerQuality Database.

Original SQL Server version

Displays the original version of the SQL Server used to create the PowerQuality Database.

Files and Backup

The Files and Backup expander allows for specifying individual folders and file names for data backup.



Data file

Folder and file name of data file

Log file

Folder and file name of the transaction log file

Backup file

Folder and file name of the PowerQuality database backup file

Recovery log path

Automatically created backup file is stored at this path. This file can be used to recover the PowerQuality database.



If you do not use the standard paths in the Data file, Log file, Backup file, and Recovery log path fields and if the SQL Server is on a different computer, you must first create the folders before you click Save.
The following characters are not permitted in file names: *, ?, “, <, >, |.


The PowerQuality database owner can be changed by stopping and editing the database.

The PowerQuality database user and the PowerQuality database service user are read-only and cannot be changed. For editing users, see SMC System Settings.




DB Owner

<user defined>

Desigo CC SMC user who requires PowerQuality database owner rights. You can change it as required by stopping and editing database. The PowerQuality database owner must be different than the PowerQuality database user and the PowerQuality database service user.

DB user


Desigo CC project user who requires PowerQuality database user rights for read and write operations. You can change it as required in SMC > System > Management tab > Settings expander > System Account Settings, assign required user in system account. For more information, refer System Account Settings.

DB service user

PowerQuality Database service

Desigo CC service user who requires PowerQuality database service user rights for maintenance operations. You can change it as required in SMC > System > Management tab > Services expander > Siemens GMS PQDB Service > Service Account, assign required user for service account. For more information, refer Services Expander.

Task Info

The Task Info expander displays pending tasks or tasks to be executed by the Siemens GMS PowerQuality database Service. It also displays information on the tasks that have been previously executed by the Siemens GMS PowerQuality database Service along with the execution status. This information is online and is not stored.

The Task Info displays the latest 20 tasks, and is updated continuously. Planned, Interrupted, Running, and Hot tasks are kept for troubleshooting.

This information is not available in Desigo CC client applications.



Running task

Displays the currently operating, automated tasks as well as tasks initiated from the System Management Console, for example Backup. The date of the last action is displayed to the right.

SMC task

Displays the tasks started on the System Management Console, for example, Backup. The date of the last action is displayed to the right.

SMC task state

Displays the state of tasks to be run:

  • Planned
  • Running
  • Successful


  • Data deletion.
  • Purge can be manually triggered, and also automatically triggers when PowerQuality database is filled 70%, and 90%.

Database Full Warning 50%

  • Once the data reaches 50% a message appears in the Task Info Expander.

Database Full Critical 70%

  • Once the data reaches 70%, Database Full 70%-Critical message shown in task info expander. Purge will start, and 10% of the oldest data will be deleted recursively till it reaches below 70%.
  • An alarms will be shown in status section named PowerQuality Database is 70% filled. This alarm will appear and remain until database is below 70%.

Database Full Emergency 90%

  • Once the data reaches 90%, Database Full 90%-Emergency message shown in task info expander. Purge will start, and 30% of the oldest data will be deleted.
  • An alarms will be shown in status section named PowerQuality Database is 90% filled. This alarm will appear and remain until database is below 70%.


The Fill Level expander displays the pie chart which shows free and consumed memory in PowerQuality database.

Green color indicates the free space.

Purple color indicates the space consumed.
