Device Export Strategy
The table below shows the strategy for exporting data points to Building X based on the device type.
Device Type | Building X Data Point Export Strategy |
BACnet devices | |
APOGEE BACnet FLN Device (including DXR) | If there is a function assigned, take its DL2 properties. If there is no function, create one exported point per object model DL2 property. |
Desigo PX controller | Create one exported point per descendant. If it is an application modeling datapoint type, take the function DL2 properties; otherwise, take only the default property. |
APOGEE BACnet primary controller | Create one exported point per descendant, using the default property (preferring function if available). |
DXR2 imported in full TRA/DRA mode | Create one exported point per descendant. If it is an application modeling datapoint type, take the function DL2 properties; otherwise, take only the default property. |
Desigo PXC Controller (TRA/NGA) | Create one exported point per descendant. If it is an application modeling datapoint type, take the function DL2 properties; otherwise, take only the default property. |
Desigo PXC.A (NGAA) Controller | Create one exported point per descendant, using the default property (preferring function if available). |
FS20 Fire Panel | Export only hardware and operation subtrees. For each datapoint, if there is a function assigned, take its function DL2 properties. If there is no function, create one exported point per object model DL2 property. |
non-BACnet devices | |
APOGEE P2 primary controller | Create one exported point per descendant, using the default property (preferring function if available). |
APOGEE P2 FLN Device | If there is a function assigned, take its DL2 proper-ties. If there is no function, create one exported point per object model DL2 property. |
Siclimat Controller | Create one exported point per descendant, using the default property (preferring function if available). |
Modbus Controller | If there is a function assigned, take its DL2 proper-ties. If there is no function, create one exported point per object model DL2 property. |
XLS Fire Panel | Create one exported point per function DL2 property. |
Intrusion devices (Guarto 3000 and SPC) | Create one exported point per descendant, using the default property (preferring function if available). |
S7 BA devices | Create one exported point per descendant, using the default property (preferring function if available). |
GMS Main Server Station | Create one exported point per object model DL2 property. |
Virtual objects (Application View) | Create one exported point per descendant, using the default property (preferring function if available). |
OPC DA2 device | If there is a function assigned, take its DL2 proper-ties. If there is no function, create one exported point per object model DL2 property. |
Other1 | |
IoT-tagged device (e.g. SORIS leaf node) | If there is a function assigned, take its DL2 proper-ties. If there is no function, create one exported point per object model DL2 property. |
IoT-tagged device (e.g. SORIS container node) | Create one exported point per descendant, using the default property (preferring function if available). |
1For other devices not covered above, use Desigo CC object tagging to mark the device for possible export. Mark the device with the following tag:
An IoT-tagged device is any device that is not recognized for export by default. Export may still be possible: the user applies the IoT tag to attempt an export according to the IoT tagging strategy listed above.
For convenience, the Object Configurator allows multiple objects to be selected and tagged at once ("multi-tagging").
If the user applies an IoT tag that is contradicted by another device-specific default strategy listed above, the exporter will choose the default strategy. For more information on tagging, see Engineering Step-by-Step -> Objection Configuration -> Creating Tags for Objects.
2Applies only to OPC - Data Access ("Classic") devices. Note that OPC - Unified Architecture (UA) is not supported at this time.