
The parameters included in this section are generic for the OPC UA adapter back-end and front-end.

<!-- Communication Timeout -->

<!-- Default and minimum values are: -->

<!-- SessionTimeout = 60000 - StatusCheckInterval = 1000 - ReconnectPeriod = 10000 -->

<!-- These values, expressed in milliseconds (ms), must be increased in case of communication issues, for example, of control units or gateways. -->




See also Troubleshooting BadSecureChannelClosed.

<!-- Keep Alive Timeout -->

<!-- Default and minimum value is: -->

<!-- ConfiguratorKeepAliveTimeout = 300000 -->

<!-- This value, expressed in milliseconds (ms), must be extended so that the connection stays alive also when any operation takes more than 5 minutes. -->


<!-- Long Operation Timeout -->

<!-- Default value is OperationTimeout = 0 -->

<!-- which means that the operation timeout is not set. -- >

<!-- Consequently, if any operation takes too long (for example, browsing for nodes), it will keep on running indefinitely. -->

<!-- This value, expressed in milliseconds (ms), must be set to configure the interval of time after which any operation automatically ends when it takes too long. -->


<!-- Maximum Number of Objects to Browse or Import -->

<!-- The default value is 25000 (SORIS limit) -->


<!-- This parameter is not yet operational. -->

<!-- Paging Size for Large Configuration Files -->

<!-- Default value is 0, which means no pagination. -->

<!-- Minimum value is 100000 -->

<!-- Maximum value is 30000000 -->

<!-- This value, expressed in bytes, must be set to configure the size for data pagination for breaking large datasets into smaller chunks. -->


<!-- Size of Node Pool While Saving the Configuration -->

<!-- Default value is 0, which means that all nodes are transferred from front-end to back-end through a single message. -->

<!-- Minimum value is 1000 -->

<!-- Maximum value is 10000 -->

<!-- This numeric value must be set to configure the number of nodes for each message pool. -->


<!-- Message Pool and Pause Interval -->

<!-- PoolOfMessageSize is the number of messages for a message pool. -->

<!-- Default values are: -->

<!-- PoolOfMessageSize = 0, which means that messages are transferred from back-end to front-end without pausing. -->

<!-- PoolOfMessageInterval = 1000 -->

<!-- If PoolOfMessageSize is different from default(0), -->

<!-- PoolOfMessageInterval value must be set to configure -->

<!-- the interval of time, expressed in milliseconds (ms), after which messages transfer from back-end to front-end for processing. -->

