The parameters included in this section are generic for the OPC UA adapter back-end and front-end.
<!-- Communication Timeout -->
<!-- Default and minimum values are: -->
<!-- SessionTimeout = 60000 - StatusCheckInterval = 1000 - ReconnectPeriod = 10000 -->
<!-- These values, expressed in milliseconds (ms), must be increased in case of communication issues, for example, of control units or gateways. -->
- SessionTimeout: Allows specifying the maximum interval of time that the communication session must be open but inactive. If the OPC UA client does not respond within this interval, the OPC UA server will automatically end the client session. The specific OPC UA sever might try to honor the OPC UA client request, but the session timeout value might be negotiated to meet the server constraints.
- StatusCheckInterval: Allows specifying the interval of time after which the OPC UA client adapter requests the connection status to the OPC UA server to check whether the communication is still active.
- ReconnectPeriod: In case of errors, it allows specifying the interval of time after which a reconnection to the server is attempted.
See also Troubleshooting BadSecureChannelClosed.
<!-- Keep Alive Timeout -->
<!-- Default and minimum value is: -->
<!-- ConfiguratorKeepAliveTimeout = 300000 -->
<!-- This value, expressed in milliseconds (ms), must be
extended so that the connection stays alive also when any operation takes more than 5 minutes. -->
- ConfiguratorKeepAliveTimeout: Allows the OPC UA adapter back-end to check that the connection to front-end is alive. If no respond to the timeout check arrives within 5 minutes, the adapter back-end stops communicating with front-end.
<!-- Long Operation Timeout -->
<!-- Default value is OperationTimeout = 0 -->
<!-- which means that the operation timeout is not set. -- >
<!-- Consequently, if any operation takes too long (for example, browsing for nodes), it will keep on running indefinitely. -->
<!-- This value, expressed in milliseconds (ms), must be set to configure the interval of time after which any operation automatically ends when it takes too long. -->
- OperationTimeout: Allows specifying an interval of time to prevent that any long operation keeps on running indefinitely (for example, browsing for nodes).
<!-- Maximum Number of Objects to Browse or Import -->
<!-- The default value is 25000 (SORIS limit) -->
This parameter is not yet operational. -->
- MaxObjectsNumber:
<!-- Paging Size for Large Configuration Files -->
<!-- Default value is 0, which means no pagination. -->
<!-- Minimum value is 100000 -->
<!-- Maximum value is 30000000 -->
<!-- This value, expressed in bytes, must be set to configure the size for data pagination for breaking large datasets into smaller chunks. -->
- PagingSize: Allows specifying data pagination on the OPC UA adapter back-end as well as front-end by setting a size for breaking large datasets into smaller chunks.
<!-- Size of Node Pool While Saving the Configuration -->
<!-- Default value is 0, which means that all nodes are transferred from front-end to back-end through a single message. -->
<!-- Minimum value is 1000 -->
<!-- Maximum value is 10000 -->
<!-- This numeric value must be set to configure the number of nodes for each message pool.
- NodesBatchSize: Allows specifying the number of nodes for each message while saving the configuration on the OPC UA adapter front-end.
<!-- Message Pool and Pause Interval -->
<!-- PoolOfMessageSize is the number of messages for a message pool. -->
<!-- Default values are: -->
<!-- PoolOfMessageSize = 0, which means that messages are transferred from back-end to front-end without pausing. -->
<!-- PoolOfMessageInterval = 1000 -->
<!-- If PoolOfMessageSize
is different from default(0), -->
<!-- PoolOfMessageInterval value must be set to configure -->
<!-- the interval of time, expressed in milliseconds (ms), after which messages transfer from back-end to front-end for processing. -->
- PoolOfMessageSize: Allows specifying the number of messages of the message pool.
- PoolOfMessageInterval: Allows specifying the interval of time that the OPC UA adapter back-end waits before transferring messages to front-end.