Virtual Devices


You want to perform actions related to Virtual Devices.

For background information, see reference section.

Edit Virtual Device

  1. Select Applications > Powermanager > [area] OR [sector].
  2. Select the device that you want to edit in the Powermanager tree.
  3. Perform the required configuration changes and click Save to save the changes.
  4. The configuration changes are saved.

Move a Device

  1. Select Applications > Powermanager > [area] OR [sector].
  2. Select the device that you want to move to another location in the Powermanager tree.
  3. Select the device and click Move.
  4. In the Save Object As dialog box that displays, specify the new location for the device and click OK.
    NOTE: The settings of the area are applied to (inherited by) the moved device if Use Area Settings is selected in the Device Configuration tab for that area. Otherwise, the custom device configuration is applied.
  5. The device is moved to the new location.

Delete Virtual Devices

  1. You are in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Application View.
  2. Select Powermanager > [area] OR [sector].
  3. Select the device you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete .
    NOTE: You cannot delete a physical device if one or more of its measurement points is used as a source measurement point in any other physical or logical device.
  5. Virtual Device is deleted.

Edit Virtual Device Type

  1. You are in Engineering mode.
  2. You have created a device type.
  3. In System Browser, select Application View.
  1. Navigate to Application view > Powermanager.
  2. Select Virtual Device Configuration tab.
  3. Navigate to Device Type Configuration expander > Existing Device Types expander and select the required device type.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. In Group Mapping expander, to add any Mapping Measurement Point drag and drop the required node or click New.
    NOTE: Data Type cannot be edited for the existing Mapping Measurement Point.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Configure Group Mapping expanders under Device Type Configuration.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Configure Measurement points, Alarm Configuration, Favorites, Trend expanders under Device Type Configuration.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Configure Features, Default Measurement Points and Additional Inputs expanders under Device Type Configuration.
  12. Click Next.
  13. Click Update.
  14. Click Ok.
  15. Virtual Device type is edited successfully.

During edit of device type, newly added data point entry will be available in existing device instance. Source and property fields will be empty and you need to configure this manually.

Delete Device Type

  1. You are in Engineering mode.
  2. You have created a device type.
  3. You have deleted all Virtual devices under device type.
  1. Navigate to Application View > Powermanager.
  2. Navigate to Virtual Device Configuration tab.
  3. Navigate to Device Type Configuration expander > Existing Device Types expander.
  4. Select the Device Type name and click Delete Device Type.
  5. A popup message appears on screen.
  6. Click OK as popup window appears.
  7. Click OK.
  8. The Device Type is deleted.