Filtering the Dataset

  1. The dataset is defined.
  1. Configure the first level node filter by doing either of the following:
    • In the First level node filter section, select the Include option and drag-and-drop the nodes to be included in the dataset from the selected parent node. The dataset will contain only these nodes from the parent node. All other nodes are excluded.
    • In the First level node filter section, select the Exclude option and drag-and-drop the nodes to be excluded from the dataset of the selected parent node. The list of excluded nodes will be filtered from the dataset.
  2. Configure the exclude filter for a specific hierarchy or template hierarchy by doing the following:
    • In the Specific hierarchy section, drag-and-drop the nodes to be excluded from the dataset that is derived after applying the first level node filter. The complete hierarchy of the selected nodes is excluded.
    • In the Template hierarchy section, drag-and-drop the common nodes (for example, trend nodes) to be excluded from the dataset that is derived after applying the first level node filter. The complete hierarchy of the selected nodes is excluded from the dataset.
  1. The dataset is filtered and you can now proceed to creating object models and device instances.