SiPass License Requirements

Desigo CC License

The Desigo CC license must cover the number of doors and external points of the access control system that are integrated:
(GMS_add_xxx_security_dp and/or GMS_ add_xxx_AC_extern_dp).
where xxx is the number of data points covered by the license.

If multiple Desigo CCservers connect to the same SiPass server, each Desigo CC server must have a license that covers the total SiPass points. For example, if two Desigo CC servers connect to a SiPass system with 125 points, each Desigo CC server must have a license that covers 125 points. In case of a common license management server (LMS), the shared Desigo CC license must cover 250 points (so that there are 125 points for each Desigo CC server using the license)


- Intrusion inputs/outputs of the access control system are counted as security points.

- Doors or points excluded from the import do not count toward the license totals.

SiPass Licenses

To connect Desigo CC to the Sipass server, the SiPass integrated system must have the licenses listed in the table below:

SiPass version

SiPass licenses required for Desigo CC integration

2.80 and earlier

AAC-16-GMS Integration (DCC):
This enables licenses for the SiPass MS API Interface, 1 SiPass Workstation, 1 HR API Connect, and 1 Web Client.

2.85 and higher

A specific license on SiPass for Desigo CC integration is no longer required. If Desigo CC is installed in the customer base and licensed with any one of the following features:

  • GMS Access Control External Data Points (sbt_gms_add_AC_extern_dp)
  • GMS Security Data Points (sbt_gms_add_security_dp)
  • GMS *Integration Only – All Features (sbt_gms_intOnly_allfeature)
  • GMS *Engineering – All Features (sbt_gms_engineer_all_feats)
    *NOTE: Integration Only and Engineering licenses only recognized starting from 2.85HF5

Then SiPass integrated automatically enables the following additional licenses:

  • 1 SiPass Workstation
  • 1 HR API Connect
  • 1 SiPass MS API Interface
  • 10 *Web Clients
    *NOTE: Web Client licenses only allocated starting from 2.85HF5

NOTE: The SiPass and Desigo CC licenses must refer to the same CSID and need to all be on the same computer (license management server). In this way, the SiPass server will be able to also read the relevant Desigo CC license information.

In addition, for all SiPass versions:

License Count Tool

To help determine the number of licenses required for a particular SiPass server, the following portable utility is provided:

You can open the self-extracting .exe archive in any location. It includes a Help folder with PDF instructions for using the tool.