
The Trends application allows you to work with trends that are recurring samples of data.
These data samples can be taken at regular time intervals or whenever there is a change in a value of an object by a prescribed amount.
Some examples of data samples in trending include the following:

Trends are of two types, online and offline.

You can add, modify, and delete values of trended properties of trended objects that are logged in online as well as offline trends through the Manual Correction application.

You can use Trend Views in two ways in the management station:

You can display the trend data in the Trend Viewer any time, even if the management station is not connected to the site (no real-time data available).

The precision for a 64 bit value is supported till 2E49 (15 digits). GmsBitString64 data type is not supported.

The Trends application is covered by a license. In order to access the Trends application, you must ensure that the Trends license is available in your system.

Record Trend Data

You can record trend data using either of the following methods:

Trends in Distributed System

When working with trends in a distributed environment, you must understand the details of the following applicable conditions:

This section provides background information on Trends of Desigo CC. For related procedures, see the step-by-step section.