Object Model Import

This section provides background information about the object models configuration import.

Supported Files Formats for the Object Models Import

Desigo CC supports the following formats for the object model import:


Object Models Library

Data Point Types (DPTs) and the related object models are available at the following path:
Project > Libraries > L1-Headquarter (or L2-Region or L3-Country or L4-Project) > […] > […] > Object Models folder, in Management View of System Browser.



Only Headquarter experts and Customer Support are authorized to modify the object models at L1-Headquarter level.
Depending on the allowed customization level, authorized experts can configure object models at L2-Region, L3-Country, or L4-Project level.


Object Model Import Workspace

When required, you can create your own object model library. To carry out this task, you must first create a new library and its object model folder. Then when you select the Object Model folder in System Browser, the Import tab lets you import the Data Point Types and the related object models described in a configuration file.

Clicking the Browse button, you can select a configuration file. Then you can:

Clicking the Import button to start the import process.

  • A Cancel button is available to cancel the import operation.
  • During the import, the State column indicates the status of the import for each selected object model (such as, in progress, completed, or failed).


When the import operation completes, a message displays a summary of the import information.


Import of an Object Model

The import of an object model consists in acquiring the Data Point Types (DPTs) configured in the data model configuration file.

  • After you select the file to import, clicking Analysis Log you open a log about pre-import operations. The configuration file is parsed to check for errors or unsupported objects before import. A message box informs you of any warnings/errors and suggests viewing the log.
  • Once the file processing is completed, clicking Import Log you can open a log of the file read operations, including the time for the operations, the name of the processed files, and any warnings/errors. A message box informs you of any warnings/errors, and suggests you view the log.

Re-Import of an Object Model

The re-import of object models works just like the import operation.


Object model deletion

If an object model is deleted using the Models & Functions or the Object Configurator applications, the function is removed but the corresponding Data Point Type will not be deleted in the WinCC OA database.