Comark Monitor Card Properties

Desigo CC manages a number of properties related to the supervision functions of the Comark monitor card. The Properties expander includes the following configurable properties:

The Operation tab displays a subset of properties, while the Extended Operation tab displays all the properties (both configurable and non-configurable).

Properties Expander - Configurable Properties



Fan Alarm

Fan low speed alarm threshold in rpm.

Threshold range is 10 through 9990. Default is 1000.

Relay Active

Relay output state: True if active, False if inactive. For each point in System Browser, you can configure the property to monitor and the value that activates the relay. If there is more than one point, the relay is activated if at least one trigger is true.

Set Alarm Timeout

Time (in seconds) that must elapse without a watchdog refresh command from PC software before the monitor card will enable the audible alarm. It serves as an early warning of an impending PC reset.

Default is 30 seconds.

Set High Limit In

High digital input comparator threshold to a level in Volts/10.

Threshold range is 0 through 25.0. Default is 103 (10.3 V).

Set Low Limit In

Low digital input comparator threshold to a level in Volts/10.

Threshold range is 0 through 25.0. Default is 43 (4.3 V).

Set Message Interval

Supervision message interval value (in seconds). When this value expires the monitor card will send a supervision message to the PC.

Default is 90 seconds.

NOTE: An interval value of 0 seconds will disable this function.

Sound Audible

Audible alarm state: True if active, False if inactive.

NOTE: Jumper JP1 on the card can disable the audible alarm.

Temperature Alarm

Temperature alarm threshold in °C.

Threshold range is 0 through 90°C. Accuracy is +2.5/-2.0°C over the full range. Default is 55°C.

Extended Operation Tab - Non-configurable Properties



Summary Status

Status of the Comark Card.

Card Online

Whether or not (Card Online/Card Offline) communication exists between the monitor and PC.

Reset Enabled

PC reset enable status (True = enabled, False = disabled).

Card Version

Version of the monitor firmware.

Component Name

Name of the software component.


ID of the Driver.

In 1 High

State of the monitored digital inputs (INT1-4):

  • True, when threshold is reached or exceeded
  • False, when threshold is not reached

In 1 Low

In 2 High

In 2 Low

In 3 High

In 3 Low

In 4 High

In 4 Low

Watchdog Enabled

Whether or not PC watchdog is enabled.

Comark Card – Relay Active Property
Comark Card – Numeric Properties
Comark Card – Sound Audible Property