Advanced CAD Importer


You want to import CAD drawings and object symbols into the Desigo CC graphics.

For general information about the Advanced CAD Importer, including compatibility and limits, see the reference section.


  • System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  • System Browser is in Management View.
  • The following extension module is installed and included in the active project:
    • Danger Management > Graphic Tools
  • You have arranged your DWG and DXF files (CAD drawings or maps) in a folder structure starting from a unique top folder. The import procedure replicates the subfolder structure in the Graphics folder in System Browser.
  • (Required for SSP-EU XML) If you have XML files, place them in the same folder as the corresponding CAD drawings.
  • (Required for graphical symbol placement) You configured the field networks of your projects and the subsystems whose objects are present in the CAD drawings that you want to import. The objects in the CAD drawings must exist in the Desigo CC configuration (in System Browser) to allow for the placement of symbols in the graphics.
  • (Required for graphical symbol placement) The CAD drawings includes valid blocks that represent the objects or you provided a valid XML data file with objects information. Refer to Advanced CAD Importer Compatibility and Limits, and to Advanced CAD Importer Application Examples.


Depending on the complexity of the CAD drawings, this workflow may require multiple attempts, refining the approach each time. As a general recommendation, run the import of a single map and carefully check the result, then correct the settings as required and try again until you reach success. At the beginning, you can quickly delete the imported graphic and start all over the workflow. When you are sure of the import settings, apply the procedure to a larger set of similar drawings.

Note also that, in certain cases, some modifications to the CAD drawings may become necessary to overcome limitations or format incompatibility.



Start the Tool and Select the Import Folder
Select the CAD Files, Layouts, and Layers
(Optional) Set the Root Node Where to Search for Objects
Select the Object Blocks and Identification Attributes
(Optional) Check Objects Identification in System Browser
Select the Symbol Style, Object-Match Criteria, and other options
Select Graphics Options
Check the List of Selected Maps and Run the Import
Check and Adjust the Imported Graphics