Check SPC Panel Settings

This procedure is part of the workflow for integrating an SPC intrusion system.




Check the Panel Settings

  1. Select Project > Field Networks > [SPC Network] > [SPC panel].
  2. Select the SPC tab.
  3. Open the Control Unit Settings expander. Here you can check the following:
    • IP address: the IP address assigned to the SPC panel (must be accessible from the server/FEP of the SPC driver).
    • Port: the port assigned to the SPC panel.
  4. Open the Client Configuration expander. Here you can check the management stations visible from this SPC panel. For each one, the following information is provided:
    • Name: the client name.
    • IP Address: the IP address assigned to the client (one must match the server/FEP IP address of the SCP driver).
    • Port: the port assigned to the client (one must match the SPC driver setting).
    • Receiver ID: the receiver ID assigned to the client (one must match the SPC driver setting).
    • Encryption: whether encryption is used or not.
    • Protocol: the protocol type: EDP or FlexC.
    • SPT Account Code: the panel identification used in FlexC.
    • Connection Type: the connection type: select TCP (UDP is no longer supported).
SPC Panel
SPC Panel