Acquire the Video Configuration from the VMS

This procedure is part of the workflow for integrating video surveillance.


Acquire the Video Configuration into Desigo CC


The installed video devices must be configured and running properly in the VMS (for Milestone or Siveillance, see Configuring Video Devices in the VMS) before connecting or aligning it to Desigo CC.

  1. In SMC, Activate and Start the project if necessary.
  2. Start the Desigo CC client application.
  3. To speed configuration, make sure the Desigo CC Transaction Mode is set to Simple.
  4. Enable the necessary application rights for video. See Video Scope and Application Rights.
  5. Connect Desigo CC to the video management system. See Connecting the Video System.
  6. The cameras configuration is acquired in System Browser, and Desigo CC is able to display images from the cameras in System Manager.
  7. When finished, make sure the Transaction Mode is set back to Logging.



Tailor the video configuration to specific needs

Once the video configuration is acquired into Desigo CC, you may need to make the following additional adjustments:
- Limiting Motion Detection Events. Do this to avoid excessive alarm traffic arising from camera motion detection.

- Excluding Cameras from the Project. Do this you want to manage only a subset of the VMS cameras from Desigo CC.