Configure the Adapter Connections

Each panel is connected to the adapter over the LAN connection.
In the tool, in the Panel Settings table, you need to add the panels and configure their communication and access parameters. Proceed as follows:

  1. In the ATSx500A Adapter page, at the bottom, select Show panel settings.
  2. The Panel Settings table displays.
  3. To add a new panel, select New Panel.
  4. Based on the panel configuration, enter the following panel parameters:
    • Name
    • IP Address
    • Port
    • PIN
    • Password
  5. Click Save.
  6. The new panel displays in the table and in System Browser.
  7. Repeat the steps above to configure more servers and import the configuration of the connected intrusion panels, as necessary.
    If you selected Auto-discover, when the communication with the panel is established, the internal objects get imported in System Browser under the panel nodes.
    Alternatively, you can start a manual import: see Manually Discovering the ATS 4500 Configuration.

NOTE: To remove a panel, select the Delete check box and then Save.