Acquire SI400 Configuration Files from Intrusion Panels

For each SI400 intrusion panel, you must obtain a configuration file that can be imported into Desigo CC.

If you already have a valid configuration file (INI file) that was acquired in the past, you can proceed to the next step, and import the SI400 configuration file into into NK823x.
NOTE: The current Sylcom program can export a configuration file, which is however not valid for Desigo CC.

Otherwise, do one of the following to acquire the configuration file:


Run the Sintony Uploader Tool

The SintonyUploader.exe program is installed along with Desigo CC software in the [Installation Drive]:\[Installation Folder]\GMSMainProject\bin folder and allows for an easy generation of the export file.

  1. Launch SintonyUploader.exe.
    • The software guides you through the following steps.
  2. Select the connection type: Connection via NK82xx.
  3. Enter the NK823x IP address.
  4. In the FTP mode field, select Passive and click Next.
  5. The Read Data page displays the Sintony connections available on the COM ports (1 to 4).
  6. Select the connection you are interested in.
  7. Press the Start button.
  8. The software starts communicating with the NK823x to acquire the configuration data.
    An item list and a progress bar show the activities and the uploading results.
  9. When the upload process has completed, a success message appears.
    Click OK to acknowledge it.
  10. Save the uploaded data.
    Select the name and destination folder of the file. Use the browsing button to open the navigation windows.
  11. Finally, press Next and then Finish to close the program.

NOTE: In case of errors, check the physical connection and the Sintony unit firmware release.
See Sintony SI400 System Limits and Compatibility.