SPC Get Status - Single Read of Active Inputs

The Get Status command performs a single read of the inputs of an intrusion area (unarmed), and reports if any are currently active. Active intrusion inputs, if not bypassed (see Inhibit or Isolate a Zone), prevent the system from being armed.

  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  2. Select Project > Field Networks > [SPC Network] > [SPC panel] > [aggregator] > [area].
  3. In the Extended Operation tab, select Mode.
  4. Click Get Status.
    NOTE: To reach the Get Status command, you may need to expand the command list under Ready to Arm.
  5. In a few seconds, if any input is active, the corresponding Active event displays in Event List.
  6. Check the active inputs in Event List.
    • In the Textual Viewer or, if available, in a dedicated graphic, you can have a convenient summary of the area inputs.