IEC 61850 Driver


You want to perform the actions related to IEC 61850 Driver.

For the background information, see reference section.



Adding IEC 61850 Driver

  1. System Manager is in the Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  2. In SMC, navigate to the Project > Management System > Server > Drivers.
  3. In Object Configurator tab, click New and select New GMS_IEC 61850_DRIVER.
  4. In the New object dialog box, enter the Description.
  5. Click OK.
  6. The IEC 61850 Driver object appears in System Browser but is not running.
  7. Click the IEC 61850 tab (which finishes configuring the IEC61850 driver).
  8. Click the Extended Operation tab.
  9. In the Manager Status property row, click Start.
  1. The IEC 61850 driver starts and is now ready to use.

If you do not have IEC 61850 license, an alarm stating At least one service not running properly will appear in alarms.


Deleting IEC 61850 Driver

  1. You have already deleted the IEC 61850 network linked to this IEC 61850 Driver.
  2. System Manager is in the Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  2. Navigate to, Project > Management System > Drivers.
  3. Select the IEC 61850 Driver you want to delete.
  4. Select the IEC 61850 tab.
  5. Click Delete .
  6. A confirmation message box asks if you want to delete the selected item.
  7. Click Yes to confirm the operation.
  1. The object is removed from System Browser.