Performing OPC UA Client Adapter Offline Configuration


Offline engineering is recommended if you want to work with OPC UA offline data.
Performing online engineering is recommended instead if you want to work with OPC UA online data.
Furthermore, to set functions and alarms, see Setting OPC UA Client Advanced Configuration; to customize an alarm table, see Customizing Alarm Classes.



For security reasons, the OPC UA Client Adapter web client must run on the same computer where the adapter software was installed. For instructions, see Installing and Starting the OPC UA Client Adapter.



In each configuration section of the OPC UA Client Adapter web client, an asterisk (*) indicates unsaved changes.
Since Desigo CC will not inform you of any OPC UA client unsaved data, before changing node selection in System Browser, make sure that you have saved the changes in the OPC UA Client Adapter web client, or your changes will be lost.

  1. You want to prepare the OPC UA configuration in offline mode by selecting an OPC UA server and editing the relevant configuration data in the OPC UA Client Adapter web client.
  2. The OPC UA Client extension is installed and included in the active project. The following dependent extension is also included automatically: SORIS Driver.
  3. System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  4. System Browser is in Management View.
  5. The OPC UA Client Adapter web client displays on the screen. For instructions, see Access the OPC UA Web Client.
  1. In the OPC UA Client Configuration section, click Connection Settings.
  2. In the Servers Discovery area, select the OPC UA server:
    a. Click Recently Used.
    From the list select one of the available recently used OPC UA third-party servers.
    NOTE: To remove the configuration of a server from the list, select it, click Delete server configuration , and then click Yes.
  3. The Server Settings and Authentication Mode parameters are retrieved from the configuration file. For security reasons, connection parameters settings edited in offline mode are not saved. (As a matter of fact, only in online mode you can definitely check that the server settings and authentication mode allow establishing a connection to the OPC UA third-party server.)
  4. Activate offline mode:
    • In the Connection Settings section, do the following:
      a. Toggle on Offline Mode.
      b. Click Connect.
  5. If the OPC UA server in use does not support the subscription to points, set the polling rate for the OPC UA client to periodically read the points values. For instructions, in the online engineering procedure, see Configure the Polling Rate.
  6. Enable the visibility of properties when browsing objects or variables, if required. For instructions, in the online engineering procedure, see Enable Properties Visibility.
  7. If required, specify that OPC UA adapter nodes must use the OPC UA description for Desigo CC nodes description. For instructions, in the online engineering procedure, see Set Node Description.
  8. Adjust offline data:
  9. To save the changes in the configuration file, in the OPC UA Client Configuration section, click Save.
    NOTE: If the configuration is invalid, the OPC UA Client Configuration dialog box informs you of the errors. In particular, the severity of the errors is graphically indicated, including a brief description of the error.
    If there are critical errors , the current configuration will not be saved.
    If there are less severe errors or the current configuration will be saved, but any points with errors will not be imported.
    You may want to click Export Logs to export the error logs to a TXT file, and then revise the configuration.
  10. If prompted to confirm the changes, click Yes.
  11. An event is generated to indicate that the adapter is loading the latest configuration.
  12. To discover the adapter configuration, in the Extended Operation tab, next to the URL property, click Discover.
  1. System Browser refreshes and displays the OPC UA Client configuration.